Thursday, September 29, 2022

Religious Argument for State vs Mann

 State v. Mann

The following writing is a speech I wrote defending the idea that slavery should be abolished focusing on the idea of religion for the case known as State vs. Mann. This case was the state of North Carolina against John Mann. Mann shot his slave named Lydia and then was told to pay a $10 fine. Unfortunately the state lost this case because the Supreme Court ruled that slaveowners had all legal rights to do what they wanted to their slaves.

Slavery is the devils work. Any person who believes it is moral will be looked down upon by the eyes of God. As Exodus states in 21:16 “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.” Our Bible even states how we do not condone slavery so why should we support it? Why are so called religious people still choosing to own slaves when our Bible states things like this?

The people who believe in slavery use them to perform there duties on there beautiful farm lands that the lord has blessed them with. This is not right, God bless you with that land, it is for you to take care of and nourish not anyone else. The people who own slaves believe they are superior. God is who we should be trying to please and only him. Listening to the Bible is how we should be doing it. “Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.” Peter 1:16 People should be free and living through the rules of God not through the rules of someone.Everyone should be able to live their lives freely.  God will punish those who go against him. Those who are with him live without sin and those who betray him walk through their lives as sinners. Does one not feel the guilt of abusing another person? God is always watching, and he knows all. For those who try and hide there slaves from society, God knows. He watches you commit the crimes. It should be gone to many innocent people are getting there lives taken away by slavery. We need to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves and God will back us up. In the eyes of God we are good and we now must go out and preach his words to help end slavery.

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