Thursday, October 6, 2022

Town Hall Reflection

 As someone who isn't a huge history fanatic, I actually enjoyed the Town Hall meeting activity. Learning about different historical figures in the slave era was very eye opening to be because it was great to hear about people besides Abraham Lincoln. When I used to think about the slave era I would think about Abraham Lincoln and Rosa Parks, now I learned names from both sides of the argument. We had both pro slavery and anti slavery representatives in this assignment.Abraham Lincoln - The White House

Andrew Jackson was one of the historical figures that was named during our presentations. He was known as one of the largest slave owners in the U.S., so the anti-slave supporters hated him. I knew that he served as a President of the U.S. but I didn't know that he was such a big supporter in slavery. Jackson firmly believed that men should have slaves so do all their work for them and that they should just sit back and worship their land. As someone who does not know a lot about past Presidents, I am extremely shocked that people from the north would vote for someone like Jackson as President. We have seen that more people lived in the Northern part of the United States than the South. The North had a lot of anti slavery supporters so after hearing that a President was such a big supporter of slaves I am surprised he was voted for. 

Andrew Jackson | Facts, Biography, & Accomplishments | Britannica

Overall these were just a few things that I learned from the Town Hall presentations. One big thing that I took away was that I learn better from activities like this than textbook readings or lectures. Having an activity that is like this where it is interactive allows me and other students to get involved in learning. Now in the year 2022 slavery is immoral but going back in time and seeing peoples point of views of the idea of slavery makes me have a clearer understanding of how bad it really was. Without this activity I would never have learned what I did.

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