Tuesday, October 25, 2022

"Band of Angels" Reflection

 In the film, "Band of Angels" we got to see and understand a different view of slavery. In the other film we watched known as "Gone with the Wind" we see slaves get treated more harsh and very disrespectfully, in this film we see them get treated like people.

Watch "Band of Angels" | The Front Row | The New Yorker

In this film we see a woman named Amanda Starr who had just found out that she was part African American be put up for auction and bought by a man named Hamish Bond. Amanda was then living in Bonds house with other slaves but noticed how respectfully Bond treats his slaves. She refused to believe that all of this had happened to her and refuses to leave her room and even look at Bond. Bond ended up letting Amanda go and even though she left she eventually went back to him because she realized that she loved him.

Band of Angels (1957) - IMDb

This movie is mainly about a Southern romance between a "slave" and a white male who became a former slave owner. What we began to notice is the difference in how the slaves were treated in this film vs. "Gone with the Wind". The movies were released almost 20 years apart and we can see the difference in the times.As time progressed we see that slaves were treated more like people and with respect. They were not working under people who would abuse them, they were working for people who actually cared about them. They were housed and clothed and cared for. Overall, based on this film we can see how slaves eventually were treated more as people and less disrespectful.

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