Thursday, November 10, 2022

Brown vs Board of Education

In my class, we had to do research and preform a speech as if we were in the case of Brown vs Board of education. I had to portray a member of the state that was fighting to keep segregated schools based on the religious point of view. This was informational to all because both teams made extremely valid points as to why schools should be segregated. Although we were playing the role of being "pro" segregation we all obviously agree how segregation was unfair.

 Brown v. Board: When the Supreme Court ruled against segregation |  Constitution Center

Let me begin by asking you all a question. Would you like it if you sent your child to school to learn and they came home telling you stories about how someone was discussing different points of views on God? What would you do? Whites and Blacks believe different things. I personally would be incredibly angry if my child came home one day and said that a black child was discussing their religion with my child. Our children are sent to school to receive an education with children who are like them. In the state of Kansas, blacks and whites have separate schools for a reason to make sure everyone is with who they are supposed to be. The "separate but equal” doctrine was created for a reason. To make sure that treatment between races is fair. You don't see whites sending their children to black schools. God would not want us to. He gave us the opportunity to be separate for a reason and we should be following his wishes. God created us differently for a reason. Why are we trying to mix together when we were born to be separate. Those who are in favor of changing it will be punished. God sees everything. All is fair. There is a school for everyone. We go to separate churches and are taught and preach different ideas. Our children should be attending school with children they go to church with. The importance of associating our children with people of the same beliefs is one of the most important things. It is one of the only ways we will keep our religion strong. Overall, as a state we should not be allowing our schools to be mixed.The "separate but equal” doctrine is completely fair and was created for moments like these. Why should our state go against the laws and start mixing all together. Our children need us to stand up for them and for the better of them things should remain separated.

Brown at 60 and Milliken at 40 | Harvard Graduate School of Education

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