Saturday, November 12, 2022

EOTO #3 Reaction

 When The KKK Was Mainstream : NPR History Dept. : NPR

This EOTO presentation was about events that happened throughout the Civil Rights movement that focused on segregation. The country was divided on race and people were not afraid to voice their opinions.

One thing that was discussed was the sixteenth street bombing. This event was new to me and I had never know that it occurred so it was helpful to have heard information on it. This church was in Birmingham, Alabama and was one of the first Black Baptist churches. This city was known to be very violent and had many bombing events. The sixteenth street bombing ended up killing twenty-two black civilians including four young girls. This church served as a meeting point for meetings and rallies for the community.

1963 Birmingham Church Bombing Fast Facts | CNN

Another event that was discussed was the Ku Klux Klan also known as the KKK. This was a white supremacist group that during this time era focused on attacking Civil Rights activists. They used murder and violence to try and scare the activists. Throughout time this group had different Klans, the one we discussed was more specifically the second clan which did its focus on preserving segregation.

This presentation was extremely informational for me because throughout my years of taking history classes I honestly don't remember ever touching on these subjects. These events are important for our country and understanding of the Civil Rights era. The events that I named are just a few of the many that took place in this time period. In schools today, students need to spend more time learning about the Civil Rights era and the tragic but monumental events that helped end segregation in America.

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