Saturday, September 17, 2022

Frederick Douglas Game: James Henry Hammond

I took the part of being James Henry Hammond who was a governor and state representative in the state of South Carolina. He was extremely opinionated and believed that slavery should exist. Hammond was a very religious man and believed that God has blessed him with his plantations and that his slaves should be blessed and grateful for their lives. This is something I wrote as I played the part of James Henry Hammond:

"I James Henry Hammond believe there should be a class in our social system that has a low level of intellect and can be used to perform duties. For us southerners and fellow South Carolinans we have found a race that can  answer all these commands. We call them slaves. We do not just have them in the south they appear up north just you northerners keep the status low. We keep them for life, we house them, we feed them, and most importantly offer them employment. We do not have to beg them to stay. All the northerners try to preach is that the world has abolished slavery when no one in this world has that amount of power to do so. Only the man himself known as God has that power. In the north you all hire your slaves daily and then they are pulled into the streets of the towns and are harassed by there employers. You wonder why you need to find new ones every day? The south believes that whites under no law can become slaves, slaves are black, God has blessed them with the position of being our slaves. They are not equals with whites. I firmly believe that. “Slavery is I believe to be one of the greatest of all the great blessings that which a kind of Providence has bestowed upon our glorious region.” That is what I stated in my speech that I made to the Senate in March of 1858. In order for our country to achieve all that is great we need our slaves to support us. We want them with us not against us. Ask our slaves how they feel. They will tell you that they are happy and nothing is missing from their lives because we provide essentials for them. So why should we give up our slaves that are perfectly happy with the lives that we have provided for them? Why should we take away their happiness? Upper class civilians should be treated as upper class. We are the ones who own the land. In order for civilization to continue to grow we need a lower class in order to work for us and take care of our fortunes. Mr. Jefferson states that “all men are created equal” but this is false. Men cannot be created equal. We whites are the landowners and this is our right. We decide what should happen in our region. Our slaves help us in ensuring that our civilization can keep rising.  All the states can justify for themselves but we in South Carolina believe that a white mans right of passage is to own slaves. I do not stand for other states, but as for my own I will continue to fight for what we as a region believe is moral. Why should I allow outsiders to come into my region and dictate what we see fit. I do not trespass into other regions and tell the rulers what to go by. The only eyes I plan to please are Gods and he sees what good this is for our region and we must take and protect what God has given us. We as a nation shall never allow others to take what our righteous father has blessed us with".

James Henry Hammond (U.S. National Park Service)


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